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Photo of Sara María Vaccarezza Fariña Argentina

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CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMATION SARA MARA BIOGRFICOS Vaccarezza Since my early years show a marked vocation for the creation plstica.Mi favorite game: drawing, painting and modeling clay figures baked in an improvised brick oven. At school age, I moved with my family to Tandil, where I live and work today. At 10 years beginning my art studies at the Municipal Academy Seritti Vicente was, for me, a happy world ymgico, in...

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CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMATION SARA MARA BIOGRFICOS Vaccarezza Since my early years show a marked vocation for the creation plstica.Mi favorite game: drawing, painting and modeling clay figures baked in an improvised brick oven. At school age, I moved with my family to Tandil, where I live and work today. At 10 years beginning my art studies at the Municipal Academy Seritti Vicente was, for me, a happy world ymgico, in continuous contact with the works of the great masters of the Museum of Fine Arts where he worked school. I remember my teachers very carioa of that little. Josefina Seritti, excellent teacher and painter, who you suggested without imposing and encouraging the ongoing reflection, possible solutions to problems that arose in the creative process. Value Ernesto (father), Tandil remarkable landscape of whom salted to paint the beauty of the mountain environment. Ernesto Value Darbn (son), excellent artist, who teaches me the secrets of the human figure. It then promote an education based on the study artistic models, the development of visual perception and primarily figurative. And this trend tena your reason for ser.Vicente Seritti Belgium, founder of the Academy, trained in Italy in Italian realism, like Po Collivadino brings to a slide formation Argentina art stica within that stream. That trend GUE be what learning at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tandil THEMES AND STYLE Drawing and painting have been my favorite means of expression. From my experiences tell figurative approach the world around me, inspirndome in recent years in the poetry of tango, its mythical characters, mainly women, among other topics. Transcend the purely anecdotal ytpico of this themed and seek to express basic human emotions: love, betrayal, nostalgia ... Show different personality types: the handsome, the suburban, the child well, the naive, the love, the player, and many universal human ms.Prototipos without Geographically or cultural boundaries. For this purpose use of a highly saturated palette, rich in variety of shades, through which express emotions and feelings. Other topics of my interest are rural life, its landscape, its customs, its fauna and flora. Also the daily life of every day, my world little ones, full of reasons and experiences that move me to create, to dream new works. THINKING ABOUT MY ART Being an artist is like any other vocation. Servalier the extent it is done with responsibility, honesty and putting the best of s. I believe in diversity of personality estilos.Segn be selected from the reality that motivates us as if furamos various windows we see the same landscape with different approaches and different perspectives. Among Construma ART with capital letters. I agree with Rudolf Arnheim, in which art is science. The relationship between the parties, shapes, colors, techniques, and modems variables that make a work, should be set according to an intent expression. Integration and the correct selection of plastic resources more apt to say better what is meant, involve a high degree of consistency ylgica. Same as any professional should use to do their work in any science. Of course, smuy well do not take a lifetime of learning never ends. And try not to lose that ability to marvel at the beautiful things that happen every day. But that often ignored by negative attitudes and pessimistic. I think our thoughts and intentions affect the world around us. Build it. So I want to highlight the positive and optimistic. Sow illusions, dreams and hopes through art .. Help build that better world. I thank God for my vocation and I hope to get through always happy, peace and goodwill. STUDIES 1967 Title of Professor of Drawing and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts "Vicente Seritti Tandil-Buenos Aires - Argentina. 1967 - Title of National Teacher-Normal College Holy Family-Tandil 1973 - Title Bachelor's Degree in Arts and Techniques Advertising-USAL (Universidad del Salvador) 1974 - admitted as a teacher-founder in the Multipurpose Center of Art, where trabaj32 years. 1979-Title of National Teacher of Drawing Center Art versatile Tandil 1986 - Enter as professor in the Faculty of Arts Institute of Tandil until 2006. SAMPLES, PRIZES Since 1970 participated in numerous exhibitions Salons Tandil local, regional and national. Including estn: Salons autumnI Spring since 1983. Lounges Tout Petit. III and IV Hall of Industry (Provincial) 1987-1988 Sea and Mountains Regional Chamber XII, XIII, XIV and XV (1988 - 1991) First Regional Meeting of plastic and Murals. (1990) XXII National Salon of Religious Art Tandil (1992) I 1993 Watercolour Regional Salon XXIV National Salon of Religious Art Salon Tandil-1994 Multipurpose Center 25th Anniversary Art XXVI Sal n Nacional de Arte Sacro de Tandil 1996 XII National Blue Salon 1999 - Salon Tango Tandil Art Painting (First Prize), the work you ACORDS brother V Salon Tango Art Painting Tandil 2003 2004 Artesur involved in web site: www.artesur.com / saravaccarezza 2005 Selected for the Biennale in Florence, Italy 2005 Selected for the 2005 Strasbourg International Fair invitation to participate in New York EXPOART 2006 participates as an artist in the 4 edition of the book ART EUROAMERICAN work The 2006-model described in the 32 International Book Fair (Blue Pavilion) Buenos Aires Argentina 2006 - selected for the Florence Biennale 2007, Italy 2006 3 Mention in the Hall of the Cosmos Abasto Abasto Galera GD-Bs As Ventanita work by Arrabal 2006 participates in the Fair Ibero-American Art Gallery of Nations Bs As 2006-3 Galera Tango Salon Mention Nations work in my neighborhood Musiquita 2007-Finalist at the International Digital Art eyed Deer Santa Fe-Argentina 2008 - Collective exhibition in Villa Gesell Galera organized by the UN-International Art-Argentina SAMPLES ONLINE Artesur (2004-2006) www.artesur.com / saravaccarezza 2005 exhibits works www.artelista.com / www saravaccarezza .artedinmico.com / saravaccarezza www.artehoy.com www.sanesociety.com-www.ecoloquia.com 2007 - Dictionary of Artists Arteargentino.com Pgina: http://arteargentino.com/dic/v/ Vaccarezza, e.htm 2008 www.picassonet.com / saravaccarezza Its construction ARE web pg However, you may www.artezza.com.ar and www.artevaccarezza.com.ar

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